The only things that have changed since 2016 are Donald Trump's criminal record and his declining health, so here's how to deal with the MAGAbots & other trolls
There sure are a lot of rape apologists clogging up Twitter today telling lies about E. Jean Carroll because Donald Trump is a rapist who just can’t stop defaming her.
Aside from plastic surgery victim lawyer Alina “Habba the Jutt” (yes, I coined that, and yes, I’m very proud of it, and yes, I should get paid a whole lot of money to write things) displaying her profound lack of legal knowledge, Judge Lewis Kaplan sparred with Tiny Syph Hands and told him to keep his rapey puckered orange anus face shut.
Okay, so he used more legal-ish words than that.
The point is, if I use the “#TrumpIsARapist” trend, the whole Bunchanumbers Bot Family decides it’s time to be all “Duhhh what rape?” in my replies. Or some incel neckbeard tries to shame E. Jean Carroll because once upon a time, before she was forcibly penetrated by one of Trump’s tiny appendages, she was a woman with a healthy sexual appetite.
They’re even bringing back that dumb fucking Pepe the Frog, whom I now call Pee Pee because Trump likes golden showers along with grabbing so many pussies, one of them finally grabbed back and left him with Tiny Syph Hands.
So gross! Who knows how many people were touched by this creeper’s creeping crud.
Anyway, there are ways to avoid wasting your time on Twitter when the TrumpTrolls come for you with their weakly programmed anti-woman rape apologies. You can always block without engaging, which is forever my preferred method because so many of them are fake and not worth anyone’s time.
Occasionally, you get a real one. Now that Elon opened the floodgates to allow free range hate speech everywhere, there are plenty of paid hater accounts that have enough followers that they merit a proper public shaming before blocking.
When I know I have one of those, I usually get them to block me pretty fast because I don’t let them intimidate me, and I don’t respond the way they expect me too. I ask them things like, “Who told you that?” or “Why do you love a rapist?” They don’t like being challenged because they have no facts to exonerate Trump. All they have is bullying, projection, distraction, and the endless moving of the goalposts. They never answer questions but demand answers to theirs (Me: “Oh, if only there was a free internet search engine you could use to find out the answers to your questions!”) and it’s all about wasting our time so we don’t tweet truthful things about either Trump or Joe Biden.
By the way, today the S&P reached an all-time high. Bidenonmics Works, unlike any Republicans.
Trump’s weak shit is only going to get weaker. I still say Chris Christie dropped out too soon because Trump has a very long court calendar and he’s going to start racking up the convictions. I’m just saying, when he’s called Nikkie Haley “Nimba,” you know his base won’t be backing her. Maybe they’ll all stay home like Looney Laura Loomer wants them to. Biden and Harris are going to crush anyone who steps to them and we’re getting the House back because Republicans can’t get anything done.
ANYWAY! It’s another Friday where I still don’t have a regular job, so if you would consider upgrading to paid, that would be greatly appreciated. You could also please buy my rock and roll love story The Sound of Settling, even though January’s royalties won’t come in until the end of March.
I’d also love to be paid on the regular to write about politics again, so please share this on your socials and tag your favorite websites. Someone would absolutely profit from this untapped writing goldmine, so let’s keep putting that good karma out into the world. Wouldn’t you rather see my book spreading everywhere instead of Trump’s Tiny Syph Hands?
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BTW Elon Musk continued his "But I am not an anti Semite" tour by visiting Auchwitz with (I have never knowingly lied to anyone) Ben Shapiro, Just hope Tara Strong does not continue to think that Elon is a modern day Oskar Schindler.