Getting the truth out there matters more than ever, which is why I need a job writing about politics (or a proper book deal already ffs)
Donald Trump has a history of sexual violence against women. Whether he’s verbally abusing them or physically abusing them, Trump has no regard for a woman’s bodily autonomy. He just grabs, he never asks permission, he never apologizes, and he never stops defaming them.
Trump’s in a different court in New York today because he just can’t keep his puckered orange anus mouth shut when it comes to his most credible rape accuser, E. Jean Carroll. A jury has already found Grabby McSausagefingers liable for raping her. And because Trump can’t accept any truth about how terrible he is, he defamed her yet again on Truth Social before he went into the courtroom yesterday and he’ll probably do it again.
My eternal Shero E. Jean testified in front of her rapist today. At the same time, Trump’s latest unpaid lawyer, Melania Wannabe Alina Habba (aka Habba the Jutt thanks to her endless plastic surgeries. Seriously, the Trumptwunts really need to find a better surgeon, they all end up looking like whorish trouts) thinks she’s some special snowflake exception who doesn’t have to listen to Judge Kaplan. Or Judge Engoron. Or any other judge who dares to hold Trump accountable with those pesky truths he can’t deny.
You’re not too pretty for prison, Habba-nero. E. Jean is just one of the many women who’ll end Trump. Props to the Black women who won’t let anyone intimidate them into silence while holding him accountable. Letitia James and Fani Willis are going to crush whatever’s left of the Orange Menace into a fine pulp.
Chris Christie dropped out too soon, which was proven by the terrible turnout for Trump in the Iowa Caucuses. Only 14% of Iowa Republicans were inclined to trudge through the snow to choose Trump over Gov. Bootlifts McFlorida and Nimarata “Never Nikki” Haley. Getting 51% of the vote when barely anyone showed up (ok, 102,000 people) isn’t really something to brag about, but they all hate that “woke math.”
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will destroy whatever half-assed GOP ticket they managed to cobble together once Trump gets handed a couple of convictions. Seriously, the FEC needs to update its requirements, because a RAPIST shouldn’t get to run for any office in this country, let alone the highest one.
This is also a great moment to remind everyone that I still don’t have a job writing about politics, or any other job. I’ve applied for at least 15 writing gigs, 10 social media jobs, and one short-term contracted writing assignment. So far, no responses. It shouldn’t be this hard for a talented political voice to find work.
Also, THE SOUND OF SETTLING continues to get killer reviews, and as of today, I’ve sold 436 copies. Almost 21K pages read on Kindle. If I only had a dollar for every page read. Or an agent advocating for me because I’m exhausted. Or a producer to option it, because I’d hate to disappoint Gail after she read the book TWICE.
Plus, Thad lost an entire night of sleep because he couldn’t stop reading my rock and roll love story.
If you’re reading this/subscribed but haven’t bought The Sound of Settling yet, I’m going to ask you to please do so if you can afford it. It’s FREE if you have Kindle Unlimited. I’m also going to ask you to please share it on all of your socials. There’s an audience for this story. There are demands for a sequel (which I’ve been working on!) and a streaming series. I’ve even found my two dream leads to play Lila and Grady.
That’s Nashville musician Chuck Feltner, who popped up one day on my TikTok FYP and I said “THAT’S GRADY” out loud to my cats. I had already found my ideal Lila: Eve Hewson, who’s in Bad Sisters and Flora and Son. She’s physically perfect for Lila. She also happens to be Bono’s daughter, so she knows what it’s like to be around musicians on tour. Don’t they look hot together? You’d want to watch them make out a lot, wouldn’t you?
The word for 2024 is ABUNDANCE. I’m an untapped writing goldmine. Let’s make magic happen together, preferably before the February rent is due.