MAGA doesn't care that Trump is a felon, so we have to care more
I could probably just keep writing this post over and over until twice-impeached adjudicated rapist convicted felon Donald Trump is no longer alive, because his cult shows zero signs of backing down from their culting.
Facts and the truth have never mattered to the MAGA morons, who have become experts at gaslighting, scapegoating, and goalpost-moving while also knowing more about law, medicine, civics, and government than anyone trained in those fields. /sarcasm
When you’re dealing with a willfully obtuse groupthink cult, you have to keep reminding yourself that they’re choosing to twist themselves into conspiracy pretzels to avoid all of the scary truths about Trump while happily believing all the lies about Joe Biden.
Since the guilty verdict was announced last week, the MAGA Spin Machine has gone plaid, working at Ludicrous Speed to grift the remaining base while Trump is still breathing free air.
They’re now trying the “political prisoner” angle before he’s even been sentenced, because as I repeatedly have predicted over the years, they’ll martyr him before they ever hold him accountable.
It doesn’t matter to them how many in Trumpworld get popped for their crimes, which of course are also his crimes. It’s all a witch hunt, they’re all innocent.
Except they aren’t. Deep down, I think even the most far-gone of the MAGA cultists know this, but they’ve always cared more about the appearance of strength than any actual strength.
On Tuesday, more of Trump’s fake electors were charged in Wisconsin, joining their co-conspirators in Arizona and Georgia in the finding out process. All of these criminal roads lead right back to Dear Leader.
How will MAGA spin this? By calling Democrats “Soros-funded Marxist Globalists” or some other word salad they spew without understanding the words they’re using.
[Sidebar to George Soros: I’m still waiting on my first check from 2015, you can’t be THAT backlogged with your kind of payroll. 😏]
Why yes, it’s exhausting and it makes my brain cry to see the MAGA base debasing themselves for downwardly spiraling Dear Leader, but what else are they going to do? No one has given them a replacement idol to worship, so until July 11th, the spin will continue while Donny All-Caps fear-sharts all over Truth Social.
He’s not locked up yet, but he can’t leave the United States because he had to surrender his passport. He’s been banned in 37 countries, and Donny Flight Risk also recently sold off one of his planes to a Republican donor at a very inflated price. But what stops him from jumping on “Trump Force One” to head to the embrace of Daddy Vladdy and the Motherland?
There are still more of us than them, but as long as Elon MAGAMusk is still bending the Twitter algorithms to pander to his own dipshit base that crosses over with Trump’s, we see far more of them in our feeds than each other.
One thing I’ve noticed is that if I reply to an account I’ve never interacted with before, I suddenly see them in my For You timeline more often. So if you’re like me and you want to find more good people on Twitter, I suggest you try your own algorithm manipulation by responding to more Democrats and fewer MAGAts. Block all of them and see if it makes a difference.
You must give yourself a respite from this episode of Black Mirror we’re still somehow living in. Find your joy. Do some self-care. Anything to take your mind off of the cult for a bit.
My breaks from the daily dumbness included an unsuccessful colonoscopy yesterday. While I did my best to drink the antifreeze disguised as laxative, there was a point where my stomach said NO MORE THANK YOU PLEASE. I had followed the pre-cleanse diet to the letter. I had stopped solid food Saturday night before 9pm. And I already felt empty by the time I had to start drinking the GaviLyte, thanks to my Sunday morning coffee.
I certainly felt cleansed enough by the time I arrived for my 1:15 appointment, particularly after the 4:30 am. 6:30 am, and 8:30 am bathroom visits that left my cats looking very confused. Hey, at least you can say I’m a regular gal over here.
They managed to remove a polyp that had regrown, but said they couldn’t go as far as they needed to without a better prep and deeper sedation. I honestly don’t know how I could’ve done any better, considering I couldn’t get back the liquid I had thrown up that morning.
This means I have to go back for another one. They wanted to schedule me for today but didn’t have time. I’m more concerned about the need for deeper sedation than having to re-prep, so the sooner this is resolved, the better.
Finally, June is already better than May as far as The Sound of Settling is concerned. There’s only ONE copy left on the shelf at Powell’s right now (20 are sitting in the warehouse ready to move to the Burnside location when the last copy sells out). I’ve passed 675 copies sold on Amazon, with over 34,500 pages read on Kindle.
If you’re reading this, I ask you to please share my rock & roll love story somewhere else you also post things. All I have is word-of-mouth for now, and any boosts for my beloved book matter to me. More MAGAts have left fake 1-star reviews lately because I trigger them, so if you’d pop over and hit it with 5 stars, I’d appreciate it. Those ratings help me get seen by more potential readers, which is what I need to focus on over the summer while all of the literary agents are in the Hamptons.
Did you see my (which I borrowed) joke Tara? But you have to remember there are millions of American women who KNOW Elon is a complete and total jerkwad but lust after him anyway. Why? He's worth $200B. That is the reason. That is the ONLY reason.