Welp, February sucked big time in plenty of different ways, didn’t it?
The Elonald Trumpmusk fuckery intensified as they got more comfortable with doing terrible things to the American people. This week was an extra bad one for the country, starting with MSNBC getting decimated along with government assistance, and ending with the most embarrassing meeting ever held in the Oval Office.
If you missed the bullying tag team of Donny “Thin Skin” Trump and JD “Vladimir Futon” Vance vs Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, then bless your lucky little heart. It was exactly like when the Senior bullies invite a nerdy Freshman to a party under the pretense of friendship and then proceed to humiliate him just to entertain themselves.
Trump is the pettiest of the petty ass bitches, always insulting anyone who gives him bad self-feels. Bullies are just the weakest, aren’t they? Jealousy makes small-minded angry people say and do the dumbest things. Zelenskyy has more masculinity and bravery in his pinky finger than the entire GOP combined, and we saw that in full effect yesterday as he stood up not just to Trump and Vance, but the gaggle of biased press who were helping to bully him.
Zelenskyy was dressed in his usual black shirt and pants—which he’s explained repeatedly keeps him camouflaged in his home country as well as putting him on the same level as his people.
“Do you even own a suit?” sneered puffy-eyed alcoholic pantyhose enthusiast Brian Glenn, aka Marjorie Taylor Greene’s leashed pet. To the President of Ukraine. Puffy was only in the room because of Still-At-Large Marge, who still hasn’t gotten her promised pardon, yet still stays loyal to Trump. I hate all of these people so fucking much.
Also, here’s ketamine-cooked unelected immigrant Nazi bureaucrat wearing a t-shirt during his first Cabinet meeting while Sundowning Paw Paw takes a nap because all of the hypocrisy made him tiyuuud.
Anyway, Zelensky burned Brian without missing a beat, saying he was far more focused on the war in his country. But then he added that he “will wear a kostium (Ukrainian for 'suit') after this war will finish” and it would be “maybe something like yours, maybe something better, maybe something cheaper.”
What happened yesterday was Trump and Vance’s official coming out as Putin’s Puppets, making it sound like we’re already Russia. Liddle Marco Rubio certainly took a posture of full defeat.
Later, Rubles Rubio tweeted his full support of Dear Leader and Daddy Vladdy, I guess because Liddle Marco is scared of Big Open Windows.
I’m so disgusted watching Trump, Vance, and Musk hand our country over to Putin with the support of most of the GOP. There are a couple of detractors, but mostly the vibe is DEAR LEADER IS GOOD! DEAR LEADER IS GREAT! WE WILL ALL PROSPER UNDER DEAR LEADER.
I mean, wtf happened to you on that golf course seven years ago, “Leningrad” Lindsey Graham? Because this was you back in 2016:
What’s lower than treason? I’m open to suggestions, but:
So…I’d recommend calling Congressional Republicans to ask them if they’re Americans or Russian assets. You’ll probably end up leaving a voicemail and you’ll never hear back, but it’s someone’s job to listen to all of the messages and transcribe them. Muhahahhahaa.
This is what my phone log looked like yesterday. I’m not saying you have to do what I do, because it’s my job to ask questions of politicians, but all acts of Resistance add up and make an impact.
The best thing that happened this week was my “five things” email to Elon Musk going viral thanks to being included in an article in Rolling Stone.
I was also a headline!
So I’m more than ready for that book deal, especially since February was the WORST sales month yet for The Sound of Settling. Gosh, I wonder why no one is in the mood to buy a book at the moment. Aside from the economic blackout yesterday, more people are also boycotting Amazon thanks to Jeff Bezos turning The Washington Post into Pravda. I self-published The Sound of Settling via Amazon KDP, and I’m currently stalled at 1019 copies sold. You can also order it from your local indie bookstore or via powells.com, but those royalties are minuscule compared to the amount I’ve made from Amazon. Among the reasons for wanting to sign with an agent is not having to micromanage where my book is sold.
Everyone needs an escape from the current garbage fire. My rock and roll love story is set in the early 2000s, so you won’t be trading one stressful thing for another. If you’re not a reader like that, then please just share the link to it. Also please maybe consider upgrading to a paid subscription, even at the $8 level just so you can comment and be a part of a conversation. Independent media voices matter now more than ever.
I’ll leave you with this week’s episode of THE TARA SHOW in case you missed it live on Thursday. We’re just two shows in, but the response has been AMAZING and we’re going to be doing some fun things very soon, so make sure you Like and Subscribe, and also subscribe to the Political Voices Network YouTube while you’re there!
I think that clown show was to cover up the release of the Epstein papers, which won’t show Donnie’s name. He knew that pedo for 25 years.
Nothing is better than waking up to this:
'A spectacle to horrify the world': what the papers say about Trump and Vance's meeting with Zelenskyy
How can we write a letter of apology to the world?