If you're not fighting against impending fascism, WTF are you doing?
Seriously, are you one of those people whining about “what’s coming” without doing one damn thing to try to stop it from coming?
I know you voted, but did your vote count? Was there some fuckery with the election? Don’t you want to know those two answers? Aren’t you seeing the list of Heritage Foundation Favorites lining up to dismantle America?
I grew up hearing people questioning the Holocaust. How did it happen? Why didn’t the Jews fight harder, why didn’t more people do more to stop the Nazis? How can we make sure it never happens again?
It’s happening again. Right now. They told us they were going to cheat, and they did. They told us they’re going to dismantle every American institution, and they mean it. So what are you doing about it?
My friend Piney took a trip to Eastern Europe last year and made the difficult trek to visit concentration camps. She wanted to see it all for herself as an American Jewish woman and spent hours at Auschwitz. Piney brought this back for me and I look at it every day, multiple times a day.
Roman Kent, his name written in the stars, survived the unimaginable. He never gave up his hope of survival, and then he asked everyone else in the world to make sure nothing like the Holocaust could ever happen again because people would keep each other accountable.
But here we are again on the brink. We’re two months away from watching Nazis and Fascists stroll into the White House on a red carpet with the doors held wide open for them because no one wants to challenge election results out of fear of not fascism, but “looking bad.”
I’m witnessing judges and lawyers and DOJ employees already acquiescing to a convicted felon who’s not yet in office and hasn’t even earned a mandate or 50% of the popular vote. I’m seeing the corporate media collectively shrug at the election results without questioning the timeline of TrumpMusk’s bromance and the way they bragged about having the votes back in July. Why is everyone just rolling over ffs?
There are still multiple Duty to Warn letters to the Vice President circulating, and I don’t care what some bitch from MSNBC says, we have every right to be demanding a hand recount. And I mean SCREAMING demanding. I mean FLOODING Congress with phone calls and emails. I mean FIGHTING for your livelihoods.
We won’t have any way of trusting information thanks to a Project 2025 lackey running the FCC. We won’t have anything that’s made our daily lives essentially carefree because we’re going to lose all of the agencies that keep the country running. Why aren’t you trying to stop them?
DEMAND A RECOUNT. I don’t care what it “makes us look like.” Fighting fascism isn’t supposed to be pretty. Democracy is an action word. I expect you to take action before it’s too late.
Nancy Mace and Marjorie Taylor Greene want genital inspections for kids in public schools before they can use a bathroom. MAGA pedophiles are getting away with raping kids so they can run for Governor of Florida or, you know, PRESIDENT. I would rather not get smallpox thanks to RFK Jr’s brainworms and I don’t want the wrestling lady anywhere near the Department of Education.
Instead of shaking your head at this new abnormal, PUSH BACK. Instead of writing wry tweets about our impending doom, CALL YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. I’m not going down without a fight and neither should anyone else.
Remember how every accusation is a confession? Remember how Sidney Powell talked about the 2020 election and Venezuela?
Yesterday “This American Life” had a deep dive on the recent election in Venezuela and it made me think. Did THEY pull a scam that did not accurately register all the votes like happened there?
Just made me think.
So now Maduro refuses to leave winning only 3M votes to the oppositions count of 73M.
I could happen here too.
Yes, unfortunately and not coincidentally, all these comparisons to the Nazi Germany and the Holocaust are so apt. To let anything even resembling that to happen again is unthinkable.