In the Summer of 2020, when we all thought we were going to be stuck inside forever, I got a job writing reported opinion columns for thanks to my pal Brett, who is a managing editor.
[NOT THE HILL. THIS IS NOT THE HILL. I WOULD NEVER WRITE FOR THE HILL. They aren’t changing the website name, so I always had to clarify and say, “No, I’m not a reporter for The Hill, I write for a website called”]
That was my first taste of getting more attention for my writing, and it was great to be paid to write the things I was thinking. The feedback from readers was positive, and I pissed off Marjorie Taylor Greene enough that she sicced her Comms Director on me a couple of times.
Sadly, the site took a financial hit in the final quarter of 2022 and shut down in the spring of 2023. I was laid off in February and also had to take a severe pay cut at my other online writing job that I no longer speak of. It’s been a rough time ever since.
I’m sure you’re aware of the rapid decline in proper truthful journalism, both on and offline, and after I lost my other gig about a year ago, I figured making money from writing truthful political stories wasn’t going to be a thing for me unless something miraculous occurred. came back a few months ago, but they still couldn’t hire me back, so I sought opportunities elsewhere while plugging my book and scraping by. Quite honestly, I did that thing that everyone tells you to do when you want something: I forgot about it.
I usually can’t do that with things I’m passionate about (my book, my old radio gig, etc), but I honestly did forget about HR only because I was building this Substack and promoting The Sound of Settling.
With all of the MSM ignoring all of the good facts about Joe Biden as well as the unspeakably terrible facts about convicted felon adjudicated rapist of children Donald Trump, I was just out here trying to scream louder than MAGA.
And then yesterday, just before I left for a July 4th party at a friend’s where I tried to talk everyone off the ledge, I got an email from my former boss asking me if I’d like my old gig back.
The timing couldn’t be more fortuitous. The MSM is failing us at an alarming rate and I’ll be able to get more truths out there now beyond this Substack and my Twitter account.
I’ll be writing A LOT there, and all of it will be reported opinion. Similar to this Substack, but not sweary. So if my production here subsides a little, I hope you’ll give me a little grace period to get my mojo on a schedule. There will be things that I can’t write about there—mostly my book, but other things as well—don’t leave!
Please follow HillReporter on Twitter and Facebook, as most of the updates you’ll see will be my work. I may do a weekly roundup here of pieces you might’ve missed, because there’s SO MUCH to read these days (including my book OH YEAH I DID), but we’ll see how the new groove goes first.
I hope you were able to have a fun 4th, by the way. My friends and I went to a drone light show thing instead of a loud fireworks show, so I’ll leave you with this image that just screams “BECAUSE MURICA!”
Stay cool, kids!
far fucking out. congrats!
It was a triple shot today, top down. I totally was there for Tara when she is on Hal Sparks. Then, reading that Noel Gallegher snubbed Dave Grohl at Glasto later on, it was a no-brainer to do it.....sign on here.
Seeing that E.Jean Carrol is going to help Stormy Daniels.......okay, tears in my eyes. Working together will make it all happen. France is the guidebook on what we needs to be done in order to send the Orange disgrace to never, never land.