Two years ago today, the Dobbs decision—which gave all pregnant people the option to abort an unviable fetus if they so chose—was struck down, and we took to the streets to scream about men in the government controlling our bodies.
Today is the National Women’s Strike, and I’m not here to discuss “What is a woman” with the MAGA misogynists, but I am definitely here to tell all of them that I’m not required to take any of their shit.
While I’m constantly trolled by the worst fucking subhumans ever on Twitter (along with the most badly programmed fake accounts ever), I don’t usually get it here on Substack, which was created to be a community for writers. But thanks to the addition of other social media tools like Notes and videos, the MAGA trolls are migrating here because they can’t stand it when the smart kids write stuff they can’t deny.
I don’t know if all of the misogyny here is MAGA-related—there were plenty of fragile delicate snowflakes who hated women before MAGA—but they’ve definitely been emboldened by the exponential increase in unchecked online harassment. There’s no one braver than a basement keyboard warrior, dontcha know.
So it took me a little by surprise to get not one, but two misogynistic Notes from tiny men who feel threatened by my presence here. Who’s afraid of little old me?
You should be, bitchasses.
The Brothers Krynn (who?) wrote me this Note. If you check their page, it’s all fantasy realm giant boobs everywhere. Incels much, kiddos? How is it my fault you’ve never known the touch of a woman you didn’t have to inflate first?
I’m not sure science has created an instrument that can calibrate the misogyny here, but you never know when a breakthrough might occur.
I’m selling a fiction book. I wasn’t aware of “sections” on Substack or that I was only “allowed” to write one kind of thing on my Substack. I can write whatever the fuck I want on my own fucking blog, losers.
They can’t even spell “your” correctly, and they definitely aren’t polite. So “us serious fiction writers” can’t be taken seriously, can you?
They also have some sad as hell followers who think online harassment is a group activity. Meet “author” AC Cargill, who’s so brave that they Instablocked me after I dared respond to this act of online heroism:
”Based on the language you use” ahahahahha.
GET FUCKED, AC. Oh wait, you’re probably also dating an inflatable, my bad.
I love how they clutch those pearls if I use the super scary EFF DASH DASH DASH word, but they can write anime revenge porn and call it “serious fiction.”
OK, losers.
There’s a great big internet out there and there’s plenty of room for your shitty sad fantasy crap, fellas. I’m never going to read it, but I’m also not going to deny you the right to put it out into the world BECAUSE I COULD NOT CARE ANY LESS ABOUT YOUR SAD LIVES. Go write all the revenge porn you want if it makes you feel better. It has less than nothing to do with me.
I didn’t know who you were before you trolled me and I’ll forget about you as soon as this blows over, like I forget about every other troll I own online.
Misogyny is such weakness. It makes me cringe like when a pickle isn’t crunchy. Just, EWWWW.
My book fucking rocks and my political opinions are spot-on. Spineless losers jealous of my visibility are trolling me for clout clicks and it’s beyond pathetic. Nothing is going to stop me from writing about politics while I promote my book.
You don’t like it, tiny? DON’T READ IT.
But thank you for this opportunity to once again promote my rock and roll love story The Sound of Settling, which is just about to hit 700 copies sold. There’s only one copy currently left on the shelf at Powell’s. I don’t know how many books the Brothers Krapp have sold and I don’t care.
But speaking of my beloved book, the person responsible for the origin story got himself into some hot water over the weekend when he did a little misogyny of his own.
I was shocked to see the video of Dave Grohl slamming Taylor Swift. Foo Fighters were in London playing shows at London Stadium at the same time as the Eras Tour was making Wembley Stadium history. I’ve been a Foo fan since the first album. My love for them and for Dave is well-documented.
But I’m also a devout #SwiftieOver50 who was happily enjoying the videos of Taylor and Travis together on stage in London dressed as a bride and groom. Swifties are not okay in the best way. We love Tayvis so much and we don’t tolerate anyone shitting on them.
While Dave and Taylor have hung out—there’s this great story about her bailing him out at the world’s greatest post-Grammy party—he’s first and foremost a devoted dad of three daughters. And he’s going to take his daughters’ sides every time.
Dave’s oldest daughter, Violet—who’s an extraordinary singer and a luminous young woman with her own online following—was targeted by Swifties a few months ago and disabled her Twitter account as result. Violet had tweeted criticisms of Taylor’s private jet usage, but she travels with her father and his band on their private plane. And Dave Grohl also has a plane that’s just his.
Some of the swarming Swifties took their attacks on Violet Grohl way too far, and I never ever support threats. Blind devotion to anyone is bad, and I’ve been guilty of it in the past.
It’s very hard for me to say anything negative about Dave Grohl. He changed the way I saw myself, which is no small thing. I haven’t spoken to him since 2009 and I’d very much like to, mainly because of the book AND the fact that I’m essentially positive that I inspired him to write “Times Like These.”
I’m told Dave is aware of my book, but I haven’t heard from him, which is a bummer because we always had a great connection even though nothing ever happened between us.
Foo Fighters are going to be here in Portland in August, and at this point, I don’t have a ticket or a pass. I don’t know if I’ll get into that show, but I want to oh so very much. I haven’t seen the Foos since 2015. I miss them. I want to see my band and hear them play.
And I genuinely want this to blow over fast. Dave and Taylor should record a duet where they both sing live on every take, no computer tricks.
It’s only Monday and I’m exhausted already. Please just buy and boost my book!
*lays head down*
I'm surprised Dave would say sumpthin like that, I dunno...
Preach Tara!
FYI, Substack was mostly funded by a tech billionaire who supports authoritarians.
BTW, one of those writers attacking you is followed by many of us resisters (not me).
"While I’m constantly trolled by the worst fucking subhumans ever on Twitter (along with the most badly programmed fake accounts ever), I don’t usually get it here on Substack, which was created to be a community for writers. But thanks to the addition of other social media tools like Notes and videos, the MAGA trolls are migrating here because they can’t stand it when the smart kids write stuff they can’t deny."