So, I still think there was full-on election fuckery and I’m not giving up on the hope that Elon Musk gets a Congressional subpoena to talk about what he may or may not have done with his Starlink tech on Election Night. Everyone is already giving in to an inevitable dismantling of our society and it’s bugging the shit out of me. I’ll keep saying it: You know how people ask why no one tried to stop the Nazis? No one is trying to stop the Nazis now in any real way and they really need to.
I don’t care what it “looks like.” Fighting fascism isn’t supposed to be nice. Do you want Kristi “Puppy Killer” Noem as Homeland Security Director or RFK Jr ending the NiH? YOU DO NOT. Liddle Marco Rubio as Secretary of State? That’s a fucking insult to this country. Are you really going to just watch? Just make a call to your members of Congress, please. Maybe an email. It’s just fucking fascism. Stop making wry jokes about the end of the American experiment online and do something that could make a real impact on our lives. Democrats are still in power and they need to use it immediately.
I need a purpose besides job hunting (back to that in a moment). My purpose will be to fight back against anyone getting their hands on our food and water supply by getting rid of the FDA. All of it is bad. I don’t care if Blue State Governors are making a plan to protect those of us blessed with the luck of geography, I don’t trust that to hold for very long under MAGA Martial Law. How long before Supreme Leader Trump orders the military and police to flatten Blue State government offices? Or makes good on his threats to use the police to “get rid of” his “enemies from within,” which technically includes yours truly for filling all of the squares on a MAGA Bingo card.
SO: first of all, I’m weaning myself from Twitter, as advised by my pal Hal Sparks, because I shouldn’t be helping the guy who helped Trump, and I don’t have to keep paying $11 a month for Nazi harassment and weak financial returns (ooh, $32, thanks a load, Leon, I’ll try not to spend it all in one place, you fucking dipshit douchebag). But since I’m also looking for work, I’m hesitant to disable my account completely. If I get another gig writing about politics, I’ll have to keep it. But I don’t have to keep paying for it. So I’m waiting for the archive of the data from my account that I requested, and once I have that, I’ll stop posting there in favor of Bluesky.
I took that screenshot on Sunday. As I write this on Tuesday, I’m already up to 2.4K followers, which will grow as I find my people. I’ve also sold TWELVE copies of The Sound of Settling since I started posting. I’m up to 825 sold after stalling for so long thanks to the suppression from Apartheid Clyde.
Also: no one has called me a “libturd kike” over there or told me my body was their choice. It’s so wonderfully refreshing, especially after the suspicious influx of Nazi accounts around here.
I learned that “HAND” is a Nazi acronym that means "Heil Adolph, National Death,” so that’s fun! Of course, I reported everything, but let’s not have this place turn into “SubstacKKK” please. Twitter is now their new home unless something radical happens and Leon Musktrump gets arrested for election interference, which he totally deserves.
But ANYWAY, my fellow Twitter refugees are posting on Bluesky like shell-shocked survivors of a lengthy war who can’t quite believe they found a safe haven after years of ritual abuse. We’re going to have collective PTSD from TFG for a while, so I encourage all of you to create a Bluesky account if you haven’t already. If you have, please put your account in the comments so we can follow each other. They wouldn’t let Catturd have an account there! How great is that?!
I’ve been proactive by applying for online jobs that have nothing to do with politics but would pay the bills just fine. I also started querying literary agents again, because everyone is going to need escapism if our efforts to fight fascism don’t work out.
I still don’t feel ready to engage with society, mainly because I know that overhearing anyone’s conversation about politics will drive me insane. At the same time, anyone’s conversation about anything else will have the same result, because my brain just feels like one big primal scream at the moment. I have a therapy session tomorrow (to my mother’s immense relief) and a haircut appointment on Thursday that I plan to keep. I have no Thanksgiving plans and I can’t bear the thought of any fake cheeriness, so I don’t know what I’m doing for that day yet.
So what I’m planning is a day-to-day schedule of looking for work while pushing my elected officials to save the country and promoting my book. At some point, I will reach a mental saturation point and put down my phone to watch something or read something.
Once I publish this, I plan to binge the second season of Bad Sisters on AppleTV. I loved the first season (or “series,” as they call it in civilized countries) and I’m fully obsessed with Eve Hewson, who plays Becka.
Eve is my dream Lila for the eventual adaptation of The Sound of Settling, as I believe I’ve shared before, so if anyone can help me connect with her so I can send her a copy, that would be just dreamy.
Keep fighting, my friends. We can’t let the bastard fascists win. We can’t fail. Make a plan. And if all else fails, let me know if you have a bunker I can live in with my cats.
Yes, we must keep fighting for the soul of our nation and our democracy. America has been so good to my family since it arrived here and we are grateful. Time to repay our debt.
Last week I did a digital cleanse. I read a book which I can definitely recommend as good. James McBride’s “Heaven and Earth Grocery Store”.
And yes. Take your time to go through all the stages of grief. Watch escapism stuff like Antiques Roadshow or a nature program. It’ll do a psyche good!
Enjoy that haircut that’ll make you feel purdy.