Also, the compromised members of the GOP are no longer hiding their love for Daddy Vladdy
There’s a lot going on all at once at the moment, far more than what a Sunday used to look like during the Obama administration.
First of all, it seems as if we’ll avoid World War III for the moment, which means Donald Trump will still have to go to court tomorrow. On Tax Day. HA HA HA!
(But seriously, the last thing this planet needs is more conflict in the Middle East at a time when President Joe Biden has been trying to negotiate a ceasefire so supplies can reach the starving, wounded, and dying civilians trapped by this excruciatingly awful situation.)
The remaining members of Cult 45 are really trying everything to distract us from the fact that Donny Delay has failed at all of his efforts, threats, and not-so-veiled attempts to get one of his minions to keep his election interference/hush money trial from starting.
Their collective embarrassment-rage is a nice addition to my Sunday coffee.
Defendant Trump will have to sit there and listen to testimony about him from Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Hope Hicks, and others. FOR AT LEAST SIX WEEKS.
And he won’t take the stand in his own defense. What a weird way for an innocent and transparent person to behave, right? Anyone who’s ever been falsely accused of anything has tried to clear their name as fast as legally possible. But not Donny Delay, nuh-uh.
Because he’d perjure himself within seconds and everyone knows it.
Imagine getting chosen for his jury. Have you seen this amazing takedown by Lawrence O’Donnell? It’s glorious. He puts the perfect words to what we’ve all been thinking about.
Voir Dire is going to be very dire for Donald. I love this so much for us.
The MAGAbot army on Twitter is operating at Ludicrous Speed, as if anything they tweet about will make Trump any less guilty. Tomorrow is just the first of his big boy criminal trials. It’s only going to get worse from here, losers.
Ah, the irony of the Flat Earthers moving the goalposts to the very edge of the cliff. Keep going, dumbasses.
I suggest you don’t engage with anyone on social who’s both-sidesing or is an obvious Trumper. There’s nothing you’re going to say that’s changing their miniscule MAGA mindset. But you can always share his real court calendar and ask them which of Trump’s crimes is their favorite, or why they love Russia more than America, if you’re so inclined.
Which brings us to Trump’s compromised Congressional cronies. Speaker Jesus Freak Mike Johnson just made the same pilgrimage to Mar-A-Lago as his spineless rat bastard predecessor Kevin McCarthy: to backpedal on true statements he made which made Trump look bad.
Weird how this is a pattern, huh?
The Weaker Speaker had fully placed the blame for January 6th squarely on Trump’s padded shoulders, but then was summoned to kneel before Zzzod (which must’ve smelled extra bad) and took back what he said.
We’re also seeing some seriously blatant Russian propaganda being spread on Twitter by the more obvious of Putin’s Puppets. JD “Hillbilly Effigy” Vance claims Trump and Putin “don’t love each other.” Sure they don’t, you opportunistic Fake MAGAt.
Just out of frame, JD Vance and Marjorie Taylor Greene are arm wrestling to be next in line.
So ANYWAY, with Trump about to be off the campaign trail for most of the rest of this year, shouldn’t the GOP be more worried about replacing him than letting him take them down? I mean, the ones who aren’t MAGA. Which I understand is somehow the minority in Congress after Daddy Vladdy used Trump as a subhuman bridge to compromise the Republican Party after hacking into the RNC’s server.
Remember how they only released what they found out about Democrats? And does anyone remember what that was? Nothing worth being blackmailed over, is my best recollection.
Short of murdering someone or doing unspeakable things to children, I really can’t think of any secret that would be bad enough to make someone openly commit treason against their country. Or an amount of money someone could be offered to choose loyalty over America.
So…let’s say you’re a big deal jerkoff member of the Federalist Society who wants to make sure your planted SCOTUS justices aren’t removed by a Democratic majority in the House (which is going to happen, but we can talk about the specifics another time). Wouldn’t you want your nominee to be…not a criminal? Like, at the very least?
Trump is going to lose this case. He’ll try to appeal, but a criminal conviction is a big deal. The GOP won’t recover from that if they continue to back a CONVICTED CRIMINAL as their nominee. A sundowning adjudicated rapist criminal fraud who said Gettysburg was “beautiful.”
Just a little reminder I keep on my desk, because the normalization of Trump is as abnormal as things get.
Joe Biden doesn’t have to go to court tomorrow.
Joe Biden wasn’t arrested 4 different times last year.
Joe Biden doesn’t have any criminal charges against him.
Joe Biden doesn’t have to worry about gag orders or perjury.
Joe Biden didn’t make Donald Trump cheat on his 3rd wife when she was postpartum after giving birth to his 5th child.
Joe Biden didn’t make Trump misuse campaign funds while committing election fraud.
I think I’ve made my point. I’m going to enjoy every second of Trump’s embarrassment and misery. The GOP implosion will continue and it will all be because of him bringing them down with him.
Switching gears, it’s T-Minus 12 days to T-Dub’s birthday. All I want (besides world peace, for reals) is to sell as many copies of The Sound of Settling as possible to make April my best-selling month yet. Also, a proper publishing deal and option would be lovely.
Boosting my book is super easy, especially if you actually buy a copy and then share it on your socials. All I have is word of mouth until I land an agent, but I’m trying every day to make that happen. Readers are still racing through it on Kindle—five people have finished it in the last week alone, and I’m up to 616 copies sold—and the sequel is essentially good to go. I’ve also started adapting the screenplay, which is REALLY SLOW WORK, but it’s more stuff to show an agent/producer.
Here’s a handy video I made that’s easy to share!

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Thank you, and Happy First Week Of Trump’s Criminal Trial to us all!
Got a sample of your book. Anyone with half a brain can figure out who the rock star that is a main character of your book actually is (I won't spoil it).