Two rancid cabbages would have been better moderators for the first “debate” between Joe Biden and What’s-His-Butt than the somnambulant duo of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.
Seriously, who slipped them the Seconal? They delivered their “questions” in emotionless monotones and never fact-checked a thing that was said.
CNN claims to be “very proud” that neither of those paid shills did a damn thing except hurl biased questions at President Joe Biden while tossing quiet softballs to the adjudicated rapist convicted felon, who shrugged as his crimes were glossed over. It was as though he wasn’t facing sentencing two weeks from the day they were debating just ten minutes from where he had been arrested, processed, and had his fucking mugshot taken.
Okay, we’re back. Sorry, sometimes facts have a way of annoying me.
But that’s some bullshit, amirite?
It wasn’t sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, and it was obvious the questions were DEFINITELY NOT supplied to the Biden campaign ahead of time as the MAGA losers claimed ahead of Trump’s expected tanking that the debate was “rigged.”
Joe Biden was fully caught off guard, having to play defense next to the most offensive person to ever shart on live TV.
He totally sharted, y’all. My pal Hal heard it and shared it and not enough people are talking about how TRUMP SHARTED ON LIVE TV.
Now that I’ve had some time to read a lot of post-"debate” garbage takes about calling for Joe Biden to drop out, all I have to say is:
Seriously, Joe has an off night and you’re demanding he drop out? But you’re fine with the adjudicated rapist convicted felon being the GOP’s unchallenged nominee? The guy who set a record for lying during a Presidential debate (220 times)?
Get all the way bent if I’ve just described you.
If Donald Trump was a Black adjudicated rapist convicted felon awaiting sentencing, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be the GOP nominee, just like I’m pretty sure Mitt Romney wouldn’t have been their nominee in 2012 if he had been an adjudicated rapist convicted felon awaiting sentencing.
So where are the calls to replace Trump?
But Joe Biden has a stutter and he was fighting a sore throat after overpreparing for a real debate. No wonder he was having a little trouble answering those awful questions framed to make him look like a failure instead of the President who pulled us out of a pandemic depression.
We have the best economy in the world thanks to Joe Biden. Donald Trump is a fraud and a felon.
Here’s the Biden-Harris record that you should be sharing everywhere:
Go share it. And then keep sharing it. And then vote for Democrats down-ballot. We’ll be fine. Joe will most likely step aside at some point early on in their second term. Kamala Harris will be our first female Black Asian President and she’ll choose an excellent VP, probably Pete Buttigieg because she can’t choose Gavin Newsom because of dumb arbitrary rules about states. But ANYWAY, the point is that Democrats have the deepest political bench in history right now. We have so much to vote for and brag about.
My #BidenBrags trend is taking off, as is #LouderThanMAGA. Using them together will help you find fellow Resisters. GET TO IT.
Once you’re done doing that, please buy and share my book The Sound of Settling because I’m fucking exhausted from self-promotion.
Thank you, I love you.
Just remember to breathe. And that Trump is being sentenced in less than two weeks and still has three more trials ahead of him.
Yes. Yes. And many more times, yes!
Joe Biden was old in 2020 and I didn't care. I knew he would get older not younger. I was not surprised that he aged. Coincidentally, I'm told that I and everyone else has grown four years older, too. Was Thursday his best moment? No. But the man had a cold. I don't know about anyone else, but when I have a cold, the worst moments for me are in the evening when it feels like everything in my chest and head are being put through a vice. That he had to debate a convict AND get no help from the least moderating moderators I have ever seen, was more than I could have done. Now let's all get over it and win the bleeping election! (I will sit down quietly now because I'm very nervous every time I have to submit something in writing to a professional writer.)
I’m all steaming mad sassy pixie 🧚 about CNN. Our friend, @TheRickWilson, said the Biden campaign had the President do multiple events that day. I’m 64, and if I go to Safeway I’m exhausted. WTAF!!!
Keep up the great work. Very quiet here in Paradise. Come to Silverton! I’ll buy coffee ☕️ I love you!
I’m Sharon, the weirdo who schlepped your book to Revolution Hall to get your autograph on your birthday ✨🎂💫