THE MSM HAS PTSD FROM TFG, part eleventy billion
I still don't have a job writing about politics while the so-called "liberal media" is a clown show of Trumpery
I’ve said it all before, but it bears repeating: THE MSM CAN GET ALL THE WAY BENT WHEN IT COMES TO ITS BIDEN COVERAGE.
Despite my best efforts—and both Raw Story and HuffPost using my tweets but never hiring me—I still don’t have a political gig where enough people can see me writing the truth about legitimately elected President Joe Biden and sundowning traitorous bankrupt adjudicated rapist criminal fraud Donald Trump.
But the people who DO have those gigs are not doing them well. AT ALL.
Yesterday, Kristen Welker tried it and failed miserably when she tried to “But Joe Biden is old” with Gov. Gavin “Studly” Newsom. Studly not only shut her down, he gave Welker a masterclass in How to Talk About Joe Biden For Reals.
Honestly, when a woman of color was announced to replace Bad Haircut Chuck Todd, I was delighted. But Kristen Welker has shown herself to be even worse when it comes to talking points that make Joe Biden look good.
I’ve said it all before, but it bears repeating.
And, WHY IS THAT? Also, why is Joy Ann Reid inviting Charlamagne Tha God on her show to blast the Biden administration, which is actually doing a kickass job? Could it be that the MSM has been presenting too much Middle East mess in the wrong way so that too many Americans think it’s Joe Biden’s fault that Netanyahu is the Trump of Israel?
As an American Jew (a staunchly atheist one, I should remind you, but my family tree is 100% Ashkenazi), it bothers me to see people using the nickname “Genocide Joe” just because it’s alliterative. Joe Biden isn’t sending money to Israel and saying, “Hey Bibi, here’s some billions to go blow up babies.” He is NOT doing that. It is not his intention to help anyone kill anyone. He is not a death merchant who loves reading about civilian casualties. He does not approve of Hamas terrorism. Joe Biden didn’t violate a ceasefire, Hamas did. They played a long game and let Israel and Palestine believe all was well.
Joe Biden is the only world leader who was able to negotiate the release of any hostages. Not all—not yet—but he’s doing his best. Joe Biden has decades of foreign policy experience, and he’s also always been humble when it comes to his public service. He doesn’t showboat or grandstand or bloviate about what he’s doing. He isn’t throwing around stolen classified documents at pool parties in front of a bunch of cult freaks and the Australian Prime Minister.
Would you want Donald Trump negotiating a delicate international hostage situation with Hamas? Do I have to remind you about how Trump handled the Taliban?
It would also be great, as my buddy Jeff Tiedrich points out, the MSM still can’t do math:
“the worthless scribblers of the press were up to their usual fuckery this weekend.
going by the headlines alone, you would be forgiven for believing that Donald Trump totally fucking crushed Nikki Haley in this past Saturday’s South Carolina primary.
you had to read past the headlines to get the real story. yes, Trump did win — but he only got 59% of the vote. that 41% of the hard-core primary-voting GOP base won’t pull the lever for him is a huge problem for an incumbent candidate backed by the entire power structure of the Republican Party.
Donny has underperformed in every primary and caucus that’s been held to date — and yet, the media continues to paint a bullshit bubble of invincibility around him.”
They also keep using really old pictures of the Orange Menace, who currently is in a Molting Stage as he prepares to fully reveal his true lizard self.
Nimarata Nikki Haley still pretty much looks like that. But that’s a 2016 shot of ol’ Dumpy Pants Donny, CBS.
If you’re going to keep talking about how old Joe Biden is, please also talk about how Dementia Don looks like someone left a nectarine in the garage for a year, then put a baggy shiny suit on it and propped it up behind a podium.
THIS IS WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE, MSM! Show the real monster, not the mask.
If you’re going to keep talking about how old Joe Biden is, please also show footage of racist slumlord Donald Trump doing a shit-ton of racisms in front of a roomful of supposed “Black conservatives” who looked hella white upon the audience reveal.
Focus on this and his other terrible traits, MSM! You could pick one a day for every day of the week and really lean into exposing it. Like, do a whole segment on how his history of abusing women also includes paying for lots of abortions. Just ask Elliott Broidy! There’s also the sexualization of both of his daughters from a young age, and we all know how much he wishes he could bang Ivanka, so you can absolutely mention that along with the fact that he’s BROKE AS FUCK.
Our Shero Letitia James is tweeting the increases in Trump’s interest payments on the daily. Her haters think it’s petty. I think it’s glorious, and apparently so does the HuffPost, because they used my tweet in an article about how awesome AG James is.
Every MSNBC show should open with the current amount Trump owes but will never ever pay because he’s BROKE AS FUCK and has been reducing to hawking ugly gold sneakers to grift some extra scratch from Cult 45. He’ll never be able to appeal any of the judgments against him because he’d have to pay millions he doesn’t have for an appeal bond because he’s BROKE AS FUCK.
But tell me more about how Joe Biden is a whole four years older than Donald “I Still Can’t Tie a Tie” Trump.
Once again, may I reiterate that I still don’t have a job writing about politics. I’m right here, MSNBC. Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Ruhle, Joy Ann, Symone Sanders, Nicolle Wallace, and Katie Phang all follow me back on Twitter. One of them should have me on soon, just ask Stephanie Miller! Or Hal Sparks! Or Bob Cesca! Or Rick Wilson!
Speaking of which, the Stephanie Miller bump from last week continues to bear fruit. The Sound of Settling has now passed 25K pages read on Amazon Kindle (4K of that in February alone), with three people finishing the entire thing in the last two days! And I’ve now sold 532 copies, which is A LOT OF BOOKS in my opinion.
I’m also still fighting with Amazon to remove the anti-Semitic 5-star review. Nice try, hater. AND I’m also trying to get a respectable PDF file of the book up to snuff for IngramSpark, the self-publishing industry standard to get books into bookstores and libraries. My friend Thad, who wrote me the bestest review, has been tryng valiantly to convert my OG Word doc into a PDF that fits their impossible standards, and every time we think we’re done, we’re so not. But hopefully we’ll have it locked in before the end of this week.
If you haven’t gotten The Sound of Settling yet, I hope you will rectify that soon. Also, maybe perhaps consider upgrading to a paid subscription here, if you aren’t already doing that, because after March rent is paid, I’ll have nothing but air in my bank account.
And April, come she will. Along with my 55th (!!!) birthday on the 26th, I have to let my building know by April 4th if I’m renewing my lease or not. I want to move out of here more than I can say, and this is long enough, so let’s just say I need someone to #SignTara or #HireTara by mid-March or else I’m stuck here for another year. First world problems? Maybe, but downtown Portland isn’t it for me anymore, and it’s time a lot of things changed.
2024 is my year of abundance, YEE HAW!

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The so-called "Liberal Media" can't stop simping for Trump and pushing the Biden-is-old trope. They have learned nothing from 2016. MSNBC is becoming unwatchable and needs to clean house.