#ThisJew Is Really Tired of Jew Hate on Twitter
I know Elon hates Jews & Linda doesn't care, but something has to change
Before we begin, I’d love to take a moment to welcome all of the new subscribers who signed up as a result of hearing me on Rick Wilson’s podcast, The Enemies List. We had a great conversation, and I hope to be back soon!
So, ICYMI, Tara Dublin is a Jewish person with an Irish name.
Having a last name that’s also a world capital confuses a lot of people on Twitter. Nearly 100% of them are dumb MAGAts. My bio indicates that I live in Portland, Oregon, but tell me about a time a member of Cult 45 ever took the time to inform themselves before spewing their bullshittery all over social media.
Anyways, it’s not new news that there are people who hate Jews. That’s been around for millennia and it’s dumb. Hating other people who are different from you for no other reason than they were raised differently from you is dumb. Lumping an entire ethnic group together into a set of shared behaviors wrapped in lies and propaganda so you can blame them for why your life sucks is dumb.
No one is born hating anyone else or believing in anything. You absorb whatever your parents say and accept it as fact. Once you get older, you should be able to see the world in your own way and make up your own mind about things.
But not everyone does this, and those people who hide behind the carefully taught groupthink are doing everyone a disservice, starting with themselves.
I’ve repeatedly tried to explain to the haters that I don’t run the banks, the media, or Hollywood. This Substack alone is proof of that, because if I had any of that power, would I be on here asking you all to upgrade to at least $8 a month so I can feed myself?
I’ve never gotten a check from anyone to be a Democrat and do the right thing. Nope, no sweet sweet Soros money for this Jew, but MAGAts keep pushing that anti-Semitic trope along with all of the others.
It’s no secret that Jew hate on Twitter has risen exponentially since the 2016 election, but it’s gotten even worse since famous anti-Semite “Apartheid Clyde” Elon Musk bought Twitter to destroy it. His photo op visit to Auschwitz did nothing but shine a brighter light on all of the Nazi accounts that have sprung up like an infestation of KKKudzu.
By now I know how to spot fake accounts and I always block those without responding to them. But when I see the ones that are targeted Jew hate, and I learn that Elon is happily funding right-wing bots to spread propaganda, it isn’t that hard to understand why none of the accounts I report get suspended.
So, yeah, that’s not surprising. But it still matters.
I rarely get the “We’ve locked/suspended the account” emails. Not even for this gem.
Seriously. No violations for that one. Or these.
Today, I was trolled by a blue check piece of shit account with around 52 followers, part of the trend of Elon’s new and approved army of shitposters designed to distract liberals from sundowning bankrupt adjudicated rapist criminal fraud Donald Trump’s losing streak and jampacked court calendar.
As if we can’t multitask our outrage, losers.
Whatever, incel. That one blocked me after its AI program learned it couldn’t defeat me. Probably.
Anyway, Elon is 100% behind all of these tiny little accounts as far as I’m concerned, funneling any profits he can into the right-wing disinfo campaign of Putin’s dreams. I guess that’s why I haven’t got any meager payouts since the middle of January. Are your coffers empty, Sissy SpaceX?
I’ve tweeted these to Linda Yaccarino more times than I actually know, and she’s never once responded to me. Whether or not she shares Musk’s narrow world views, she accepts nearly $10m annually in salary and bonuses to fully ignore the hate speech on Twitter. WHICH NO ONE CALLS X AND NEVER WILL, MUSKRAT.
I’m not inclined to let a bunch of fake little Nazi accounts run me out of anywhere, but my offer to Elon to ignore them just like Linda does still stands—as long as he pays me exactly what he pays her. That won’t ever happen, so if you’re still on “Xitter” (pronounced “Shitter”) as my pal Hal Sparks calls it, keep blocking them.
I also will keep asking Mark Cuban to buy Twitter, because he hates Elon too.
Meanwhile, I’m still looking for a full-time writing gig while hoping all of the promising new numbers for The Sound of Settling will finally grab the attention of an agent and/or a Hollywood producer.
Between Sunday morning when I woke up and this morning (Tuesday), 1000 pages were read on Amazon Kindle.
I’ve also sold 539 copies as of this writing. February is now my best sales month yet! I won’t get the royalties from this month until the end of April, my birthday month, so at least I know what to look forward to.
Speaking of April, come she will, and along with my 55th will come the notice for my building on whether or not I’ll be renewing my lease. I’m ready to move out of noisy dirty scary downtown Portland into a safer quieter nicer neighborhood on the East side, closer to my friends and my beloved Low Bar Chorale’s home base. But there’s no way I’ll be able to afford to move if I don’t have either a full-time gig or I get my rock and roll love story optioned by the end of March.
Hail new followers, well met! If you’d please consider buying my beloved book and boosting it with a five-star rating, it would make me very happy. If you already have, please share it with your friends both online and off! Especially if those friends have any pull in publishing or Hollywood.

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I must have a shitkicker of a filtering program over my Twitter account because I do not get the kind of hate-filled diatribes that you describe. At this point I'm not sure I could re-create that system when this PC croaks. Being on Ubuntu as my OS probably makes a difference but I haven't been able to see any-effing-thing on Twitter for at least 2 days. Do you think I'm missing anything?
I haven't bought your book. It's not just that I don't follow that group but more like I have about 8 unread titles on my Nook which I get to read for about 15 minutes before I rack out around 9pm. Being 73 is not as easy as 55 or even 65 was. But I do get in at least one dog walk every day -- usually two and sometimes three. Having an elderly Labrador makes it easy. Today we met up with my son and his 3-month old Akita and she is so active that my 8-year old did his best to ignore her but she is so damn cute!
Saying that Netanyahu is purposely dragging his feet in Gaza in order to avoid facing questions for his intelligence failures re Oct 7 is NOT Jewish hate. Blaming the Jewish people as a whole for Netanyahu's foot dragging however IS Jewish hate.. As for Elon, who accompanied him to Auschwitz? Ben Shapiro, one of those that give Jewish people a bad reputation for reals (see Chaya Raichik). My hatred of Elon Musk is very well known on social media. Also this is my recent substack about your "incel""Friends" (part confessional) https://nickcarlson.substack.com/p/incela-misnomer