TIME Magazine has never named Donald Trump its Person of the Year, something that bothers the giant Orange Ego so much that he’s had fake TIME covers made to hang on the walls at Mar-A-Lago (presumably to cover the ketchup stains).
But he’s on their cover this week, along with the irresponsible headline “If He Wins,” because TIME is the latest formerly legitimate publication to fall prey to Trump Clickbait Syndrome (TCS).
Save for a handful of MSNBC commentators, the MSM still doesn’t understand how to properly cover Trump vs Biden. “But we’re showing how bad he is!” they’ll justify, as if we don’t know.
“But we have to cover both candidates,” they reason, as if it’s a regular election year and not a garbage fire rematch of insanity that was 2020.
Donald Trump should NOT be the presumptive GOP nominee when he’s going to be either falling asleep and farting in a courtroom or complaining in front of a courthouse for whatever’s left of his miserable existence.
Lately, he’s been whining about how “freezing” it is in the courtroom despite his natural insulation, loaded diaper, and padded suit jacket. And that he can’t sit so long, no one has ever had to sit so long in a courtroom. Also, no one has slept through testimony against them while passing the most deadly gas known to humankind, but hey, sell those magazines, TIME!
The article itself is called “How Far He Would Go,” which some might say portrays Trump in a negative light from the outset. No direct quote from Donald Trump ever makes him sound smart, no photo makes him look good, so there’s basically no reason for this article to exist other than to help boost TIME’s lagging readership.
I’m aware of some of the pull quotes from the piece, about how he’d allow states to surveil pregnant women to make sure they don’t get abortions, how he’d deport all the brown people, how he’s eager to get back to playing Big Boy Dictator in the Oval Office. All of the things that Trump proudly boasts about just serve to make him look and sound worse, but his ego heard they would put him on the cover and that’s all he cares about.
Because no one pays me to write about politics anymore, my screaming into the abyss about the MSM’s continuing normalization of The Godfarter never gets much leverage. But I’ll keep trying anyway.
Every MSM mention of his name should be predicated by “adjudicated rapist” or “Quadruple Parolee” or “sundowning criminal who was caught on tape committing election fraud.”
This first criminal trial gets worse for him by the day thanks to all of the damning testimony against him. You’d think he’d manage to stay awake in front of the jury, considering he cares what people think about him more than anything else. Someone covering his invisible accordion performances after court needs to ask him why he can’t keep his puffy lizard eyes open for more than ten minutes at a time. It can’t be the allegedly freezing cold room, which should keep him awake.
I wonder how Don Snoreleone would spin that, because there’s really no way to make falling asleep while on trial sound like a tactic to win over a jury.
In any case, I’d love for anyone to hear what I’m saying and then implement it in their journalisms and press coverages since NO ONE IS PAYING ME TO WRITE ABOUT POLITICS GRRRR.
Speaking of writing, let’s talk about my book now that everyone is talking about Puppy Killer KKKristi Noem’s ghostwritten crapbook. I think every time a MAGA Republican gets a book deal, the publisher of record should balance its Chi by signing an actually talented writer.
April was a surprisingly meh sales month despite my best efforts and shameless use of my 55th birthday. And now it’s MAY, and it’s my understanding that once we hit Memorial Day Weekend, all the people who work in publishing and the film industry stop looking for new clients and content to either go on vacation or on location.
This means my window for getting a proper deal/option for The Sound of Settling will be closing for the summer. Your support for my rock and roll love story means everything, so sharing it on your socials would be a great help. I’ve gotten some great new reviews, including from an actual real and amazing author, Suzy Vitello. That’s the kind of validation you can’t put a price on, but should add value to what I bring to the table, agents and Hollywood folks! If you don’t want to buy it from Amazon, you can ask your local library or indie bookstore to order it. Or you can order it from Powell’s and then you’re supporting both of us!
Let’s rock this month, my friends. It’s been a long time!
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Regarding your comments about Trumpistan and book deals, I had heard from a friend in the book business about ten or twelve years ago that celebrity books had lost favor in the publishing world. A few years back, the same person also told me that she fully expected that houses would largely shy away from books by Trump henchmen. She has since admitted to being wrong on both counts, though she notices a lot of both kinds of books end up in the remainder pile. How do publishers make any money by putting these out?
The article was disturbing. I kept waiting for “the turn” to reality. I should know better. To quote scum of the earth Rupert Murdoch, “It’s not about red or blue, it’s about green”. 🤑
May is my birthday month. I remember watching The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Please feel free to use my birthday to promote your book. Fortunately, I have lots of hair, so the first line doesn’t apply. Let’s get you a book deal! Rock on! 🎶When I’m 64… ✨🎂💫
Love you,