Find someone to read this to you while you're throwing a tantrum over a sportsball
Dear MAGA Morons Manufacturing Another Mediocre Social Media Distraction,
You Snowflakes had one hell of a weekend, didn’t you? First Trump loses to E. Jean Carroll AGAIN (reminder: only two women were on the jury that awarded our Shero that $83.3 million which would’ve only been $5 million if Trump had only kept his defaming puckered orange anus mouth shut), and then it was somehow Taylor Swift’s fault that her boyfriend’s sportsball team did better at a sportsball game than the other sportsball team.
I’m a Swiftie Over 50 and I’m laughing my ass off at this latest weak attempt. Did you also drag Gisele when she was married to Tom Brady or Jessica Simpson when she was dating Tony Romo? I see you mostly leave Simone Biles alone, and you love using Black women as scapegoats, so why are you going after Taylor Swift?
Do you really think she’s a witch in cahoots with the Democrats who somehow magically helped the Kansas City Chiefs win from her VIP suite very far away from the field? She also somehow made sure there were two turnovers in the end zone to make it look like it wasn’t a “deep state psyop,” THAT’S how much of a witch she is, right?
Of all your fucking stupid protests—the Starbucks cup, Hamiton, a really shitty light beer, Target—this has to be the fucking stupidest.
I will debunk your Qrazy conspiracy theory with this.
Look, I know you probably don’t actually believe any of that, but you have to keep twisting yourselves into conspiracy pretzels because you can’t stand the fact that Trump is an embarrassment of an adjudicated rapist. But bullying a pop star because she’s dating a football player is just so dumb and juvenile.
There’s a meme circulating about how you’re bullying Taylor Swift in front of your daughters (while supporting the aforementioned adjudicated rapist), so way to be, jerks. And here it is from a grown-ass man.
Also, the MAGA Mean Girls who are aligning with you (like OAN Asshole Alison Steinberg) are just as bad. Female misogyny is so EW.
Anyway, I’m sorry you’re big mad that Trump is a rapey loser who’s going to be slapped with another yuge judgment this week from Judge Engoron, but scapegoating Taylor Swift isn’t going to make any of the truths about Trump any less true.
But if you think you’re somehow better than Taylor Swift or genetically superior in some way, then I dare you to film yourselves taking the Taylor Swift Eras Tour Challenge:
Taylor Swift trained for the record-breaking Eras Tour for 6 months by running on the treadmill while singing her entire 3-hour setlist out loud. If any of you Dads, Brads, and Chads tried it you’d collapse halfway into “Miss Americana.” And I’m being generous here.
I look forward to all of your videos showing off your stamina. If you can’t perform like a woman, you can’t really call yourself men, can you?
See ya on the Twitters!
“There are two ways you can go with pain: You can let it destroy you or you can use it as fuel to drive you… ”
― Taylor Swift.