Also it was announced that abortion rights and marijuana legalization are on the ballot in Florida this year so now Florida is now in play. I think Trump has a new Voldemort looking partner in ketchup slinging tonight.

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In case I miss it, I wish you a very happy birthday. Like you, when I turned 55 (I just turned 60 a few weeks ago., I was pretty much out of work after the college where I had served as archivist for ten years eliminated my position with about a week's notice. (Pro tip: Never sign a two year lease, no matter how tempting because within weeks you could lose your job and be stuck trying to work your way out of it.) All the work I could find was substituting at a local library and a few hours a week working as a circulation clerk at another one. This, after having held an important position for all those years was pretty hard to take. However, a glimmer of light finally broke through and someone I used to work for posted a job I once held. Yes, in some ways it was a step back, but honestly, the pay and benefits were better than I had at my college position, plus, it is a union position. The reason I shared all this with you is to say that I understand how rightfully frustrated you get when job hunting. I went through it. I would get interviews and thought I had nailed, only to get a rejection two weeks later. (The one that really offended me was when one of the interviewers fell asleep in the middle of the interview. How would she know what I'm capable of if she never heard me?!) It's brutal and it shatters the self-esteem-- if you let it. Don't give in and don't let the haters bother you. If they have time to hate they are wasting time that they could be doing some productive-- like writing a book, or two. 😉Continue to fight and continue to embrace the absurdities of living. Cheers! Jenn

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What a birthday month Tara! 🎂🎁🎉🎶

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Tonight on All In Chris Hayes went there. He basically said that Netanyahu is prolonging the war to stay in power. Now who else has come to that conclusion? The author of this substack which was written on February 6th:


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Not to sound stalker-y because I absolutely do not have the kind of energy required for that kind of ick, BUT, I knew you and I were more than just fellow passengers on this crazy train...we're practically twins! You are the 26th, I am the 25th. You are going to be 55, I am going to be 55. I wish I could buy you a birthday drink but I quit that years ago SO, in honor of our birthdays, I think I'll go buy a couple (more) copies of your book! I've always had this fantasy of getting a book, putting my name and the date on the inside cover and then leaving it somewhere like an airport in the hopes someone else will pick it up, read it, put their name and date in the book and leave it for someone else. So, why not your book and why not today...Happy Birthday Month us!

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April is a tough month for me. I did a deep dive on that poem yesterday. Going to include the same lines in a post tomorrow.

You are a gifted writer. Hope you have a book signing in the area. Love the book; I’m on the fourth chapter. I’m a slow reader, always have been, and now granny has cataracts 😆

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