We are talking THE Michael Shannon who is known for playing shady and villainous characters? I became known of him from "Boardwalk Empire"

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Yes. That Michael Shannon. He’s one of my favorite actors.

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Have you ever though of pulling your book from Amazon?? The MagaTrolls could be creating more harm than good. My copy is from a small online bookstore.....totally positive transaction top-down.

People, (me included) are calling for the follow up. That could help create more interest.....like hello.....there is a TV series happening.

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That’s where I get the biggest royalties until I get my proper book deal. There’s no follow up or series until that happens

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Howdy Tara. I grew up in CLT and first saw REM at the Viceroy Club on the south side owned by my boss’s son. (Also saw Iggy Pop there!) had to be around ‘83. Had friends in the music biz and knew Don Dixon who produced Radio Free Europe w/Mitch Easter’s at his Drive in Studio in Winston Salem. Honestly the recording sounds muddy AF to me now but it was hometown boys doing good stuff.

We would also drive to the big city of Hot-Lanta to see great bands at The Fox or The Starlight Ballroom. Due to connections made friends with The GA Satellites* who covered my friend Terry Anderson’s Battleship Chains. Which led to a drunken night with Cheap

Trick where Rick Neilson and I “dropped trou” (weird drunken game we made up). The other band members filtered through and Zander looked fucking GORGEOUS!! This was around 88.

Thanks for bringing back memories of some of the best times of my life.

*I recall a fun conversation the night of the hang with the guys where Dan Baird told David that he’d offered to sell him “Keep Your Hands To Yourself” for $20 and David wouldn’t give him more that $10. 😂

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I also remember the conversation that Dan Baird of GA Sat had with my friend David where he offered to sell him “Keep Your Hands to Yourself” for 20 bucks and David would not give him more than 10.🤣

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I love Fables of the Reconstruction.

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This comes at a strange time for me. Several years ago, I tried to listen to REM and the Replacements and found that the music did nothing for me except make me anxious for the end of the song. I did not think that there was anything particularly wrong with the music, but it just seemed that I was a different person than I was in my teens and twenties and that I had moved on.

But something happened a week or so ago, I am not sure what exactly, but I started listening to REM again, and in a big way. It was the soundtrack of my commute to Phoenix from Tucson to advocate for lost causes at the capitol. Since then, like the lattice of coincidence which connects "plate," "shrimp" and "plate of shrimp," REM seems to be appearing in my path everywhere. It must be something about our current moment.

As far as the song goes, thank you for decoding "Philomath" for me. For forty years, I thought that Mr. Stipe was saying "follow math," which makes no sense, but it could be an REM lyric from that era. The forty years of mis-hearing this exceeds the lifetime of my previously longest-lasting mondigreen, thinking that Liz Phair was singing "letters and sonnets" when she was actually saying "letters and sodas," by a factor of four.

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Finding your way back to REM is always a good thing, plus the preshow music last night was The Replacements!

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OK Tara I never had the pleasure of seeing REM live but I did buy the Fables of the Reconstruction cassette way back when. And my fave REM song is "Pretty Persuasion" and my fave REM album (though it wasn't at first) remains "Automatic For The People". And I hope you read my bittersweet reasoning for cancelling my paid subscription. I will always remain a fan.

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