Leap Day is the perfect opportunity to point out the full-on abnormalcy of our times, but also to plug the hell out of my book before America turns into Gilead & all women are silenced.
The confluence of Leap Year and Presidential election years means we get an extra day to scream into the void about how absolutely fucking abnormal everything is right now.
I don’t know about you, but I’m old enough to remember when a traitorous sundowning bankrupt adjudicated rapist criminal fraud facing 91 felony charges would be considered a bad candidate for the Republicans.
And the Supreme Court would laugh off any attempts to receive full immunity from such a despicable defiler of our democracy, mainly because the Lying Orange Anusface doesn’t deserve any immunity from prosecution considering how much criming he did during his four-year illegitimate squat in our White House.
I’d love to believe that the SCOTUS he packed for such an occasion—as if he knew someday he’d need them to get him off the ultimate hook—is only hearing his bullshit case just to entertain him, as an exhausted parent would let a petulant toddler stay up an extra half an hour to watch just one more episode of “Teletubbies” because he relates to the orange one.
Anything to shut him up for a few minutes so you can get some peace.
Once again, it’s imperative to point out how completely abnormal this normalization of Trump has become. He has a PRISONER NUMBER because he was ARRESTED FOUR TIMES IN 2023.
He’s already half a billion dollars in debt and can’t pay his appeal bonds, so he’ll have to start selling off his properties because there aren’t enough shitty sneakers to pay for what he already owes.
He has a court calendar longer than one of his shitty long ties. He can’t afford appeals, lawyers’ fees, AND a campaign. That’s why he wants his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump (aka Florence Foster Jerkins), to be the RNC Co-Chair. Mrs. Eric Box O’Wine has already said every cent they raise will go towards funding her felonious FIL’s fuckery.
But Hunter Biden has a laptop somewhere or something and his dad likes ice cream and is 81.
Where is the FEC? They really need to update the requirements to run for President, because if you printed out Donald Trump’s lifelong CV and then threw a dart at it, literally anything it hit would disqualify any one of us from running for dog catcher, let alone the highest office in the country.
Republicans are always the problem. FUCKING ALWAYS. Please always vote for Democrats, because the alternative is this country turning into a hybrid of Gilead and Moscow. Call it rUSsia.
Once again, the MSM won’t make the proper talking points and I still don’t have a job writing about politics.
I’m doing everything I can not to peel all of the skin off of my face in frustration, mainly because I just got my first facial in at least six years on Tuesday. I always like to end these entries on a positive note, and since we have an extra day, there will be extra positive things, yay!
Like in many places, trade is the language of the poor and artsy here in Portland, and that’s how I ended up on Stephanie’s table.

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If you’re not in Portland, she sells her fabulous products online. Please support a woman-owned small business should you be in the market for clean and organic skin care.
Leap Day is bringing me an extra chance to perform onstage, something I don’t get to do nearly often enough. My beloved Low Bar Chorale is taking its act on the road to the rocking metropolis of Salem, Oregon, where we’ll be doing our all-Elton John show. I’ll be telling a version of my Portland Dating Questionnaire, so if you’re in Salem (and why would you be?), do join us! If you can’t make it (and even some of our die-hard regulars aren’t making the big one-hour drive), it’ll be filmed and I’ll share it here.
Finally, the extra day also allows for maybe a few more sales for The Sound of Settling! February has been the best sales month so far for my rock and roll love story. As I write this, I’ve sold 77 copies just in the last four weeks, bringing the total to 542. Just over 4700 pages have been read on Kindle, 1000 in the last week alone. The total there is just over 26,200.
The reviews continue to be raves, which makes my little Grinch heart grow three sizes every time I get one. Thanks to Arlene, Jeff, and Lisa!
If you haven’t had a chance to get a copy, today would be the perfect day to jump on the bandwagon so you can say you were into my early stuff before I got big.
Happy Leap Day! Do something fun with your extra 24 hours!