Remember how I told you about the good news of getting my gig back writing for
I started Monday, which was three days ago, or eleventy billion years ago in TrumpMinutes.
As you know, people are trying very hard to keep that dumb debate story in the news while not talking about Trump’s sundowning decline or why he was hiding for twelve days before he emerged from his golf bunker hidey-hole to deliver his most unhinged rally speech yet.
And the MSM is finally picking up on the Jeffrey Epstein story, but they’re saying it’s “old” and “doesn’t connect Trump with Epstein,” which is such an egregious lie that I wanted to once again remove all of the skin from my body and hurl myself on a salt lick.
I wrote about it July 3rd. A full week passed with zero attention from the American Media.
Rep. Ted Lieu asked the MSM about it yesterday, July 10th.
Today, July 11th, the MSM is writing stories about how this really isn’t a story.
Such weird timing, huh?
How can they say that, when this is part of the release of previously sealed testimony?
The Washington Post and Business Insider both tried to push this “NUH UH NEVER HAPPENED, but if it happened it’s old news anyway” thing, and I am not having any of it.
What the fuck is that shitass headline, BI? “Biden's allies are pushing old stories about Trump's connections with Jeffrey Epstein.”
“Old stories.”
Not stories. Sworn testimonies.
About child rape.
Which has no statute of limitations.
I’m going to start calling you IBS because you’re extra shitty, BI.
I also shared this with them, because FUCK THE AMERICAN MSM RN.
I’m not a legal expert, but that sure looks like Trump and Epstein drooling over young women together. Because they are.
This latest fuckery from the MSM cost me a friendship today, because no matter what I said about how the MSM lies, the friend chose to believe the Washington Post instead of me.
So, that’s fun.
Writing about this stuff every day makes me TIRED. I warned you I might drop off here a little, but also my TRUMP RAPED CHILDREN piece is still “getting attention,” according to my notifications. I might take breaks, and those breaks might actually be NAPS, because sleeping isn’t for the weak, it’s for us winners.
But there are other things I want you to be aware of, because no one is going to tell you about them:
There’s a new study showing the Debate That Does Not Matter actually DID NOT MATTER to voters. Thanks for that manufactured bullshittery, MSM!
Two years after they peaked at 9.1%, US monthly consumer prices are finally dropping, because Bidenomics is working.
Shiny new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer hung out with Joe at the White House for about an hour and told the British press that Dark Brandon was “on really good form,” because they talk better than we do.
Finally, The Sound of Settling is getting some extra attention thanks to me writing about Trump raping kids. Weird, huh? But whatever drives y’all to check out my rock and roll love story, I’ll take it. As of today, I’m up to 724 copies sold, with 1276 pages read on Kindle in just the first 11 days of July, bringing us to a grand total of just over 39,000 pages read.
I sent the draft of my follow-up, Heavy Meddling, to my friend/editor Thad Zajac, and he read it overnight and told me that it’s EVEN BETTER THAN The Sound of Settling!
*happy heart thumps*
So, the sooner I get that sweet sweet book deal, the sooner you get to find out what happens next in the Lila and Grady-verse.
It’s fine for me to go to bed at 7:30 pm, right? Being a responsible writer of news things makes my brain cry sometimes.
Tara, go for it and take as many of those naps that you need. Thanks so much for putting up that case document. I watched a video all about the release of the Florida grand jury papers. That should be enough to remove the Orange pedophile from the ballot immediatly. Robin Quivers was dead on back then to call him a sexual predator on air when he was coming on to his own daugher Ivana....sooo sorry
Your book is in the mail and I cannot wait to get into it. Cheers and take good care of yourself.
We need you.
I love you, Tara. Thank you. In the words of the philosopher, Red Green, “Remember I'm pullin' for ya —we're all in this together.” 🙏✨🗽💫🇺🇸