Irrelevant attention-seeking Nepo Baby Poster Child Meghan “DON’T YOU KNOW WHO MY DAD IS?!” McCain must be concerned about her podcast ratings, because she’s now jumped on the latest focus-pulling trend:
I don’t know why ANYONE thinks that’s a valid flex of any kind, unless they’re the kind of sad petty jealous pathetic person who’s fine with negative attention over being ignored.
I’ve said it repeatedly over the years: If Meghan’s last name was Smith, she’d be working the register at a Hobby Lobby in Tempe right now.
Being born into privilege obviously isn’t something a person can choose, but they can definitely choose to do good things after they’re born on third base with a silver spoon in their mouth. A famous last name can get you in the door pretty much anywhere, but whether or not you’re asked to stay is on you after that, kiddos.
From the Hiltons to the Kardashians to the Trumps, we’ve seen what happens when rich white privilege goes unchecked for far too long. There’s currently a new generation of “Nepo Babies” who are the kids of famous actors and musicians taking up the family trade. Not all of them are finding equal success, but a lot of them are cool kids doing great work. Examples: Maya Hawke, Eve Hewson (her dad is Bono & she’s my dream Lila for the eventual adaptation of The Sound of Settling), Zoe Kravitz, and the various daughters of Meryl Streep.
When Meghan was added to the panel of The View in 2017, you could almost feel her sharp elbows knocking veteran conservative journalists and personalities out of her way. Veruca Salty was all I WANT IT NOW BECAUSE MY DADDY.
She now complains she was “miserable” there, which is ironic because I would often call her “Miserable Meghan” when tweeting about how miserable a person she is. She cried and embraced President Joe Biden when they spoke about her father, but then she went back to being a total Qunt about him.
In the pre-Elon Twitter of the Trump era, mocking her awful hair along with her terrible takes sparked joy in so many of us.
I want to believe her hairstylist was helping us troll her. In fact, I choose to believe this.
What bothers me even more than the fact she was allowed to cut to the front of the line without doing any of the work is that this privileged snotnose had an unearned platform to spread her husband’s awful right-wing Federalist propaganda bullshittery.
This is her husband. He found out about me long before she did.
Who’s afraid of little old me? You should be, fuckface Federalist Fascists.
Smeg is savvy enough to know that invoking the wrath of the Swifties will boost her lame podcast where she made ridiculous petty jealous comments like Taylor should “step aside” to let other artists have a shot at getting their music in the Top Ten.
Life doesn’t work like that, SMEG. Pretty sure you wouldn’t tell her to “step aside” if she was a man.
So Meghan got her clickbait clicks, but most of them are going to come with clapbacks as the Swifties come for her.
Including this Swiftie Over 50.
Last night right before I went to bed, I discovered I had finally gotten Smeg’s attention. It was like a midnight snack, but I saved it for breakfast because I wanted as many people to see this glory as possible.
I hope the Swifties have the best time canceling her. Female misogynists are so UGGGGH.
And while we’re at it, just let Taylor live, everyone. I don’t care if you don’t like her, I LOVE HER and I’ll go to the mattresses for her. Yes, even if Dave Grohl throws in his unwanted two cents about her shows versus his.
That one was a bummer for me, but I think everyone’s careers will survive.
Speaking of misogyny, it seems to be cranking up here on Substack, even as women are trying to shut it down. I guess my post about misogynists triggered them. If you’re seeing yourself in what I write, maybe turn some of that criticism inwards, fellas. I’m not here to help you work through your unresolved Mommy issues. Get over yourselves. I’m entitled to a livelihood like anyone else.
And that leads us to the plug for The Sound of Settling! We’ve passed the 700 copies threshold and now our next sales milestone is 800. Also, there are now more than 2000 of you here (YAY THANK YOU!) so just all of you sharing my beloved book on your own socials would be a huge help. Buying it would be great too!
Have I told you how exhausting self-promotion is? Because IT IS. Your support is greatly appreciated.
I’ll leave you with this lovely acoustic performance from last night’s Low Bar Chorale. Why hasn’t there been a Jim Croce biopic yet? There’s another million-dollar idea from my poor brain, folks.
SMEG. Thank you. I collect words. And weird little dolls. Don’t judge me.
Taylor is a Goddess, and I will die on that hill of pixie-dust ✨🧚💫
Grohl actually had a good point. He could have made it better by saying nothing.