You have so much coming to you, patience is always incredible when it leads to the success that's looming before you!!

You dear Tara MADE IT HAPPEN yourself so give yourself a pat on the back and continue forging FORWARD. You've got this!!

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Thank you so much! As a Taurus, it's in my nature to be impatient. But I've been waiting this long, so waiting a little longer is fine.

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Rock on, dear lady, ROCK ON!!!!!!


So very proud of your accomplishment and deliriously happy for you!


<3 <3 <3

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Thank you so much! Now to get that proper publishing deal!

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Yes, all this will come true for you ✨

We’re going to Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm today. I worked there 20 years ago. Now my daughter, Kathryn, works for the same family, the Iversons. She’s the COO at FS Oil, which refines CBD, across the street from the tulips.

The first sentence I read this morning was, “Ukraine aid will pass,” by our friend, The Rick Wilson, and I wept. Then I cried when I posted a video of my dogs on Instagram, telling myself it’s ok to cry. So, it’s only natural that I cry, for the third time — for happy — for you. I’m so proud of you.

Life is so freaking weird and wonderful. The Goddess, E. Jean Carroll saw my post two days ago. Verklempt is the word of the week. And she wrote the only word I needed, “YES!!!!!!” Yes, with six exclamation marks.

Yes, my darling, Tara. Your dreams will come true✨

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Oh, Tara, I don't think you really know how much your honesty and vulnerability touches people (me). I've been witnessing your literary journey for a few years now and it really is inspiring. You truly have manifested your way to where you are with insanely hard work, an incredible attitude and fierce determination! It seems weird to say you're proud of someone you don't know but I am very proud of you! And perhaps I'll request a copy of your book at my local Barnes & Noble at The Grove in LA. Perfect place for your book! And the sequel too! Keep going girl...you are a shero!

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Tara, this is so exciting! Congratulations! You did it!

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Congrats! I'm busy writing my own Substack on dealing with undiagnosed Aspergers (now merged into autism spectrum disorder). I just don't like being compared to those unfortunate autism sufferers that barely can function.

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