I believe time wounds all heels.

John Lennon

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Thanks Tara. This helps a lot. I've been sick to my stomach for the last 10 hours (internalizing has been a life-long problem that way).

I have no idea how, but we'll get through this.

We have no choice.

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Once again, BEN MEISELAS of Meidas called on us all to become a community, organize and fight back.

I would hope that all the online activist groups would start working together with one common goal....defeat and crush Maga/2025 once and for all.

Reciently I learned that one reason Hitler declared war on America in 1941 was he thought the country would fall apart when all the men were off to war. He never thought that the women would make the tanks, aircraft, ammunition, clothing on the assembly lines and turn the USA into the arsenal of democracy. History Will repeat itself. When we fight....we win!!!!

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I am dragging myself around because my depression has flared up again. I have no income besides Social Security and unless my parents die real quick I could be destitute. I am thinking about setting up a GoFundMe to raise some cash so I can continue to resist but I will look like I am being selfish. What if Tara Strong hadn't been politically neutral this cycle because she was traumatized (it was obvious to anyone with two brain cells she was) by the events of Oct 7, 2023?

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