The second episode of THE TARA SHOW is in the books, and the hour FLEW by as Tara Devlin and I tackled the truth.
From the MSNBC massacre to more Muskfuckery to tomorrow’s economic blackout, we covered a lot of ground in just an hour, check it out!
Supporting independent media matters more than ever. If you’re able to sign up for a paid subscription to the Political Voices Network Substack or upgrade to paid here, you’ll not only help keep independent media going, but you’ll also be supporting a struggling writer—me!
Tomorrow’s economic blackout means I won’t be promoting The Sound of Settling via Amazon KDP, where I get the most royalties. This month has been the worst sales month by far, I wonder why. Maybe you could help out with that and buy/boost my beloved book? But NO SPENDING MONEY tomorrow unless you’re using cash to buy from a local business in your town. And that’s easy enough when the rent is due the next day, right?
We are not powerless! CALL YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, especially if they’re Republicans. Any American citizen can call anyone in Congress because we pay their salaries. I had time before THE TARA SHOW this morning to call a bunch of Trumpublicans and leave voicemails asking why they’re fine with sex trafficking rapist pedophiles Andrew and Tristan Tate getting safe harbor in Florida from their fellow rapist pedophile Donald Trump.
Yeah, I don’t expect to hear back from any of them, but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever stop asking. MAGA really hates it when I tell the truth about them, here’s proof.
I also went viral this week thanks to my “five things” email to Nazi Elon Eichmann, so that’s been fun.
I was even a headline!
All acts of Resistance matter! Never stop never stopping, my friends!
Great show! I hope you get a good microphone!! ;)
The Tara Show was so good. You guys make a great team. Now, we have to set up Tara with a professional mic/headphone set up. Okay....This was the 3rd shout out for MeidasTouch I heard today. 1/Stephanie Miller and Dana Goldberg 2/ Jen and "Pumps" on IHIPNEWs and 3/ The Tara Show. .......MTN would probably help with getting Tara happening with the tech upgrades.
The pro-democracy coalition will only keep growing and growing.