Great show! I hope you get a good microphone!! ;)

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The Tara Show was so good. You guys make a great team. Now, we have to set up Tara with a professional mic/headphone set up. Okay....This was the 3rd shout out for MeidasTouch I heard today. 1/Stephanie Miller and Dana Goldberg 2/ Jen and "Pumps" on IHIPNEWs and 3/ The Tara Show. .......MTN would probably help with getting Tara happening with the tech upgrades.

The pro-democracy coalition will only keep growing and growing.

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Last week I got TWO ABORTIONS just to show them.

Rethuglicans are abandoning town halls because, as they put it, Dems are hiring people to show up and complain.

Oh yeah! Did that too. That $15 is gonna go a long way!

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Hahaha! Great bullet points, Tara! Nazi was a consistent theme there. Us libs weren't fooled by the whole "Roman salute" bullshit

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Love the fact that Rolling Stone made you viral, Tara.

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Laura Benanti Returns as Melania Trump to The Late Show


You should have Laura on one of your podcasts as a guest........It was be so amazing and funny!!!!

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