Old narratives don't work in the current garbage fire
If there’s one great equalizer between legitimately elected President Joe Biden and adjudicated rapist fraud Donald Trump, it’s Memorial Day.
Joe Biden, our Commander-in-Chief, knows all too well about the myriad sacrifices that come with military service. Already a survivor of an unimaginable family tragedy, the President also lost his beloved son, Beau, to brain cancer after his prolonged exposure to burn pits while serving with honor in Iraq.
Conversely, cowardly compromised Cadet Bone Spurs—who got his daddy to buy him FIVE Vietnam deferments because his stint in military school scared the snot out of him—has a history of mocking our military, dismissing them all collectively as “losers and suckers.”
(BTW, this has been confirmed by Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, but MAGAts don’t buy it no matter how many times he reconfirms it.)
Trump also famously dismissed the late Sen. John McCain’s experience as a prisoner of war and also questioned why anyone would enlist in the first place. “What’s in it for them?” he asked obtusely, because he’s a toxic narcissist who’s never once put anyone ahead of himself.
He also wouldn’t go to a military cemetery because it was raining, and the Vainglorious Vulgarian would never risk getting his headful of cotton candy wet, lest it deteriorate on camera.
Every Memorial Day, Trump’s jealousy over anyone’s service bubbles over and he can’t help but mock military members’ true bravery and selflessness. He always makes any social media posts or public appearances about himself, because that’s all he cares about.
But this year, as a conviction in his first of several criminal trials looms, King Baby went fully off whatever’s left of the rails as the Trump Train barrels towards a cliff.
LATMF, y’all.
NBD, just Toxic Trump managing to once again defame the woman he raped instead of honoring our fallen military heroes because he’s a petty jealous adjudicated rapist criminal fraud terrified of going to prison where he belongs.
Conversely, Joe Biden gave a moving speech at Arlington, along with sending out several appropriate tweets, and he never once used the term “human scum.”
Like, what in the entire fuck, MAGA? How can you look at these two images and think Trump’s message is the one to be proud of?
Cult 45 has been extra culting this past week, but this goes beyond your basic MAGA douche parroting the Orange Menace. This is our MILITARY. Their sacrifices keep this country free. Yes, even free for you to be a dipshit on Twitter. But still, how how how do you blast Biden and believe Trump—who whined back in 2016 that he “always wanted a Purple Heart” (!!!???) despite never setting a foot, including his zero bone spurs, on a battlefield?
It makes my brain cry that there’s even a discussion about who’s better for this country when Joe Biden continues to make America better every day. The economy is thriving far more than most Americans think, inflation is lower than they think, and he’s not the one who killed Roe, which is what far too many Americans think.
I’ll keep screaming the glaring truths that separate Biden and Trump, even though it should be so painfully obvious that we’re not even having this discussion.
The discussion should be: TRUMP IS FACING A CONVICTION IN NEW YORK THIS WEEK. What does accountability for him look like with a jury conviction? Because if he can’t stop defaming the woman he raped, he’s certainly not going to keep his flapping wet puckered orange anus mouth shut about Judge Merchan’s family after a guilty verdict.
The GOP’s presumptive Presidential nominee is on the brink of being a convicted felon facing more felony convictions. They have no backup plan or ringer candidate to bring in as a Deus Ex MAGAna. They put all of their rotten eggs in Trump’s loaded diaper and now the stink is all over them.
As my pal Jeff Tiedrich reminds everyone yet again, Trump has managed to keep the GOP under his tiny thumb thanks to the kompromat Daddy Vladdy has on them. What could be so bad that they’re fine with being subservient to a fucking loser who committing election fraud on tape? Oh, are you gay, Lindsey Graham? Wait, let me get one of the many fainting couches in your house full of closets because I just got me a case of the Vapors.
Seriously, short of murder or hurting someone under the age of consent, what could be bad enough to sell out our country? I can’t think of anything I’ve ever done that would cause me to turn traitor for a few extra zeroes in my bank account to keep it on the d/l.
It would be great if every news broadcast from now until November kicked off with a positive news story about Joe Biden (short of some huge incident or weather event) instead of anything about Trump (short of him being handcuffed, perp-walked, and processed on camera). But as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, that’s not happening until the MSM finally gets over its PTSD from TFG.
*pauses for cleansing yoga breath*
Okay then! Time to shift to something more positive!
Let’s talk about how I really need to sell books. The Sound of Settling is still getting raves, but of course the MAGA trolls have also found it and have left a few more negative reviews. While I’m aware that all writers get negative reviews (you should see some of the tweets Stephen King gets, the disrespect is ridic), it’s not cool that Amazon allows reviews that aren’t from real people who made verified purchases.
SO! Here’s where I say yet again that if you’re reading this, you’ll enjoy reading my rock and roll love story, in which no puppies are murdered and there are lots of fun Foo Fighters Easter eggs to find. The Sound of Settling is free if you have Kindle Unlimited. If not, it’s $9.99 on Kindle and $15.99 in paperback.
If you just can’t bring yourself to give any money to the Amazonian Empire, you can support both your friend Tara AND an indie bookstore by ordering The Sound of Settling from Powells.
It would be a lot of fun to hit 666 copies sold by the end of the week, so let’s rock!
My father-in-law survived 42 months as a POW after Bataan fell. He and five brothers were serving across the globe during WWII. A real life “Saving Private Ryan”. All came home.
I’m so grateful he survived. Mr. Ward and I have three beautiful daughters who wouldn’t exist except for the courage of a fine Irishman, Rolland Anthony Ward. He was known as “Pinky”. He passed away in 1998 from lung disease caused by forced labor in a Japanese coal mine.