My father-in-law survived 42 months as a POW after Bataan fell. He and five brothers were serving across the globe during WWII. A real life “Saving Private Ryan”. All came home.
I’m so grateful he survived. Mr. Ward and I have three beautiful daughters who wouldn’t exist except for the courage of a fine Irishman, Rolland Anthony Ward. He was known as “Pinky”. He passed away in 1998 from lung disease caused by forced labor in a Japanese coal mine.
My father-in-law survived 42 months as a POW after Bataan fell. He and five brothers were serving across the globe during WWII. A real life “Saving Private Ryan”. All came home.
I’m so grateful he survived. Mr. Ward and I have three beautiful daughters who wouldn’t exist except for the courage of a fine Irishman, Rolland Anthony Ward. He was known as “Pinky”. He passed away in 1998 from lung disease caused by forced labor in a Japanese coal mine.