Oct 18, 2023Liked by Tara Dublin

Tara I can so relate to your story. It’s so hard for women creatives to make it in a world run by narcissistic male psychopaths. I tried to make it as an artist for 9 years. Had tons of exhibits, won awards, got press but it never paid the bills. Had plenty of bosses from hell after I gave up. I finally have a good paying job but it’s in big tech with tech bros and it’s profoundly unfulfilling. I just turned 55 so I don’t think I have options to be hired again. I wish I could retire and create again.

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You should never stop creating even if no one is paying you for it! Artists need to express themselves because they almost always have to toil in unfulfilling jobs just to survive

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Tara Dublin

How might I reach out directly? I may be i a position to help in some capacity but either way all the best from Portland.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Tara Dublin

I have learned about you from somewhere in social media and you sound very passionate about what you do- I appreciate yr candor about being unemployed as well- I too found out my contract was over- applying for UI- myself being in midlife is not fun and having to worry about my roof over my head (no children thank goodness)- My sympathy is with you- you are very talented and I am hopeful that the right income is coming to you now ❤️

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Thank you so much!

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So you chose poorly in a husband, ended up a single mother, then managed to lose a series of ideal jobs that you really had no qualifications for and finally you're now working on a colossal cat farm. Capitalism has failed you and you're really angry about it. Your entire essay here is a study in self-pity and entitlement. Don't worry, I'm sure you will soon make a bazillion off your screenplay. So you don't have to go back to service work, which you are also unqualified for. You lack gratitude, which means you'll always be losing at some level. As a strong independent woman who is entitled to stuff which you can only get in a capitalist system I am sure your coping mechanisms will begin to pay off for you soon enough so you live the lifestyle you deserve over the other 7 billion people here.

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It's weird. You constantly bitch about being poor, but you seem to have every cable/satellite channel available, you smoke pot, and spend ridiculous amounts of money on your cats. Maybe its time you prioritize your finances, or maybe just grow up?

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You're making way too much sense now.

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