Loving the post Tara. But I reached a goal of mine today. I have always wanted to pay back those that have made me laugh over the years by making them laugh. And I like to think I have occasionally succeeded. But never got confirmation until today when I briefly met Patton Oswalt in San Francisco at a comic book sighting. So I greeted him with "my favorite half of my favorite celeb couple. Nice to meet you Meredith!". And little ol' ME got PATTON OSWALT to laugh. Month. Made. PS I'm telling EVERYONE!

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If you can call about 6' 1" and a shade under 300 lbs "Little"

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Oh Tara. You truly pulled out som awesome high quality names for Vance! Touché sister.

Also too the Narya website. Let’s send THAT to major news outlets.

Good god. Could they have picked a WORSE candidate? Ok yeah either dumb or dumber but then, they had a hand in this “supposedly” even though it smells strongly of Theil.

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Narcissists trive in the GOP and attention is their crack cocaine fix. So.....reverse NPD and throw the dripping, stinking Depends right back their faces.....LOL!!! Let the piss pot, couch fucking, dolphin porn losers stew and hate us.......F-them all!!!

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Tara.....reading MAD as a kid/teenager/adult taught me all I needed to know about politics.....must respect my educational backround..........thanks so much

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