He’s going to be remembered as one of the best Presidents ever

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. The truth is President Biden traces Moses footprints by leading a nation out of the Javex, Whopper, KFC, Depends tyranny to the border of the promised land. Similar to how Moses passed leadership to Joshua......President Biden hands the flag of democracy to future president Kamala Harris ..........Maggot (Maga) Mike's bad orange acid trip is believing he is the biblical Moses come back to earth

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I have mixed feelings. I feel that Joe deserved better, but from a stress and health standpoint, this is better for him. He did his all for country and now can leave the stress behind and be husband, dad, and grandpa. He can take solace in the fact that history will be kind to him, and his accomplishments will be even more lauded as time passes. Many of his predecessors have been elevated in stature as their legacies are re-examined from a longer view. He has my admiration and gratitude. His selflessness is indisputable.

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Still kinda pissed off about what we've all gone through with the mainstream press in the last few weeks - it's gonna be hard to forgive SOME people for their unkind, callous remarks in public (looking at George Clooney, Adam Schiff, et. al.). Still, Biden has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to regret, and hopefully a nice long retirement out of the public eye. Best president in MY 70 yrs, that's for sure!

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Tara at first I was despondent when I heard the announcement. But as I see the widespread support, I am encouraged. My husband started laughing wildly and I’m like WOT?!! He said, “Oooh boy! Won’t it be poetic justice for Harris to truly TRULY trounce him on this election? To win by a landslide. He HATES Black people and especially Black women.”

Also Will, Chutkan and James have been assigned to take this man down.

I propose, as a white woman, that we white ladies do a potluck for all the strong Black women out there who have been bravely fighting for our democracy.

And, Louise, for the final time. No raisins in the potato salad, dammit!!

Let’s work.

PS- I’d lurve Mayor Pete too but that may be a bridge too far for many and that is sad. If he was on the ticket and Dems won their freaking heads would explode from all the DEI and woke!

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Started my weekly donation on ActBlue. I'm not ready to cancel the monthly one for the Biden/Harris ticket. Too soon.

As always... Register your friends, family, neighbors. Join, donate, phone. Find your local Democratic org and volunteer. We can do this... Vote blue.

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From Sadness to Determination. That is what I will remember about yesterday (July 21). Also the title of my substack that I am about to write about yesterday.

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