Oh wow! That's the beauty of not checking into Facebook today, I missed the mayhem.

Did Taylor break Instagram or what?

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I exchanged some FB messages with a HS friend early today. When I went back I ran into all sorts of dumb error messages. I figured that Zuck had decided to make life difficult for me (and cow knows who else). Later on I learned it was widespread and shortly after, it came back. I hadn't realized that there are some people where that is my only contact with them. So I need to do better.

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Not doomed, merely inconvenienced. For some that might feel the same. As for me, I'll just read a book, take a walk, howl at the moon.

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Meanwhile Elon Musk accused President Biden of treason. I posted on Threads a reminder that if the Supreme Court were to grant the President immunity, Biden could invite Musk to the White House and disappear him.

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