Kamala and Howard were 2 pros at the top of their game. Being a long time fan (KROC) it was odd not to see Robin....(Then the lowlife Orange Dickwad had to trash the "King of all Media".........such a piece ofs#i*)

Thanks for putting up the latest "cease and desist" order........yea defiling Lenoard Cohen.....(blank space)

When I heard Guns n Roses...my first thought was another order coming to put on the ever growing mound of them.....??????

......Donnie's Diaper Dance Party.........the winner gets a bucket of KFC and a box of Depends.

Thanks Tara........you covered it all with lots of laughs!!!

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At this point, they seem to be selecting songs specifically for the purpose of provoking the artist into issuing a statement asking them to stop, so they can do their two-headed "own the libs" and "I am so opressed" act.

Anyway, if they were going to play a Wainwright, it should have been Martha's "Bloody Mother F*cking Asshole." It seems more appropriate.

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